Posts Tagged: consortia

Collaborating to Cut Costs in Higher Education

Tuition prices at colleges and universities are high. On that, pretty much everyone—from parents to students to college administrators—can agree. It’s also true that salaries and benefits are the single biggest chunk of every higher education institution’s (HEI) budget. And one of the largest and most difficult costs to contain is group employee health insurance. In fact, health insurance ...

Labor Day and Some Crumbs from the NEJHE Beat

Fruits of our labor. With terms like task creeping back into the language (as both a verb and a noun), the true origins of Labor Day may be as remote to today's students as Lupercalia. The day, of course, is meant not simply to mark the end of summer by gorging on hotdogs, but to honor workers ... including faculty and staff in and out of higher education and, by extension, the millions of undergr...

A Strategic Idea

NEBHE president proposes a "sweet spot" between consortia and mergers ... The TIAA-CREF Institute has published a report by New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) President and CEO Michael K. Thomas on "strategic alliances" in higher education. Inside Higher Ed characterizes the Thomas proposal as a third ways between less formal collaborations and more permanent mergers. His solution...

A Consortium of Consortia … and Other Collaborative Struggles

Do more with less is a rarely questioned mantra in an age of austerity. But higher education consortia can turn that declaration on its head, allowing each partner higher education institution (HEI) to do more with more. Consortia can offer ways to save money without killing jobs and valuable programs. The Higher Education Consortium of Central Massachusetts began getting Worcester colleges to ...

Consort with Us?

When you’ve seen one consortium, you’ve seen one consortium. That was a guiding quip at the Northeast Regional meeting of the Association for Collaborative Leadership held last Friday at Five Colleges Inc. in Amherst, Mass. Some of the collaborations are geared to group purchasing, some to expanding offerings through cross-registration and others to enriching town-gown relations. Many wa...