Posts Tagged: NCAA

Compensating NCAA Student Athletes: How to Navigate Name, Image and Likeness Laws

The NCAA student-athlete compensation rules have changed. That change will have consequences, both intended and unintended. Of course, as with any material change involving big-money sports, bigger-­money commercial opportunities, popular celebrities and the law, the change will open opportunities for the crafty and nimble, along with traps for the greedy and unwary. While it is too early to ...

A Consortium of Consortia … and Other Collaborative Struggles

Do more with less is a rarely questioned mantra in an age of austerity. But higher education consortia can turn that declaration on its head, allowing each partner higher education institution (HEI) to do more with more. Consortia can offer ways to save money without killing jobs and valuable programs. The Higher Education Consortium of Central Massachusetts began getting Worcester colleges to ...